Written by River Ingham, MSC. Original photography, forward, and editing by Moriah M. Mylod, MAAT, ATR, RYT.

100 percent of all profits are being donated to the American Art Therapy Association in support of mental health awareness and ending stigma related to treatment. Nearly $350 has been gifted since the book’s launch.

The American Art Therapy Association is proud to collaborate on this creative initiative.

The Intention Behind the Book

Awakening to Nature's Beauty 10 New England Meditations for the Wandering Spirit is a book created to bring awareness and appreciation to nature's many wondrous gifts.

By simply getting in touch with nature through our senses, we discover that we are not entirely separate from it and we can easily make contact with it through the presence of breath at any time. Through this detailed reading and meditation guide, you can explore 10 popular New England travel destinations without ever leaving your room. Embrace your wanderlust and connect with mind and body through this immersive and visual book!

Featured Locations

  • Cadillac Mountain, Bar Harbor, Maine

  • The Cliffwalk, Newport, Rhode Island

  • Moore State Park, Paxton, Massachusetts

  • Bearskin Neck, Rockport, Massachusetts…and more!

Read an excerpt from the book

"The fall foliage is bursting with shades of orange, yellow and red, mimicking a painting in texture and color. The pond surface to your right mirrors the scene perfectly, doubling the dazzling sight like a mirror. The crisp fall air surrounds you, bringing earthy scents to your nose.

Two blue jays flitter from branch to branch in the tall trees ahead. You take a moment to gaze up at the bright blue sky in the canopy above. The swirl of clouds and sky fill your eyes against the contrasting colors of the changing leaves.

You climb over a few gray rocks that lead up a small hill. One of the blue jays has followed you on your walk and chirps in acknowledgment of your presence."

download the free writing and nature workshop guides

**Educators, community leaders, and interested individuals are welcome to download and share a free copy of the Create Your Own Guided Meditation Workbook included in the book.

The artist has also provided a supplemental PDF resource for individual or group Earth Mandala instruction in nature. Enjoy!


RIVER INGHAM, MSC is a freelance writer and social impact digital marketing consultant based on the East Coast. They grew up in the desert landscape of Arizona and have called this area of the country home for over a decade. Their writing portfolio is a pastiche of many different styles and genres. They enjoy writing about education, art, culture, and community and often draw from lived experience in their work.

In their decade-long career, they have worked on marketing, communication, and writing initiatives with local, regional, and national organizations. They earned their B.S. in public relations from Northern Arizona University in 2010 and completed their master’s in communication program at Clark University in 2020.

You can read more of their writing by visiting their online portfolio.



MORIAH M. MYLOD, MAAT, ATR, RYT is a visual artist, registered art psychotherapist, body somatic yoga teacher, multidisciplinary educator, and an adjunct professor of art therapy residing in the northwest region of New Jersey. She primarily works in her home studio, Birdseye in The Attic, where she explores various painting medium applications on canvas, paper, and wood. Moriah has been working artistically in the great outdoors for several years, specifically in the ephemeral arts creating earth mandalas from United States Eastern terrains. She has experience in clinical work, expressive art lessons, trauma-informed presentations, poetry readings, creative arts workshops, community art projects such as murals, and facilitating art experiential and guided meditations.

Moriah graduated from Cedar Crest College in 2013 with a B.A. in Art Therapy and a Minor in Art History, where she was a recipient for the Howard Agar Memorial Prize for demonstration of significant ability in the studio arts. She obtained her Master of Arts in Art Therapy from Cedar Crest College in May 2016.

You can view more of her mandala art, paintings, and writing on her online portfolio.